Keep Calvert Country-Grow Responsibly recommends that the Planning Commission make the changes listed below before adopting the Comprehensive Plan. These changes have been repeatedly requested by KCC-GR along with hundreds of individual citizens throughout the process but have yet to be made.
1. The Plan should promote sustainable development by continuing to link the amount, location and rate of residential growth to County land use objectives, including highway, school, water quality and aquifer capacities and continuing to monitor residential growth and the effectiveness of existing regulations to control growth.
2. The plan should not include any maps showing future Town Center expansion or adjacent residential area boundaries or include any specific zoning changes within these areas. The plan should state that any expansions or changes in zoning should be considered during updates to Town Center Master Plans upon consideration of adequacy of the county road network, aquifers and schools.
3. The Plan should not allow privately funded community sewage treatment facilities to serve commercial, industrial, and employment uses outside town centers and within residential areas. Doing so would increase residential and commercial development outside the town centers, creating sprawl, and will result in the County being responsible for the systems if they fail (See actions and
4. The Plan should strengthen its position on land preservation. The Plan states that rural character and rural economies are a key to the future of Calvert County but the only actions it calls for will weaken the highly successful Program. It should either improve the opportunities to transferable development rights or re-commit to the purchase of development rights as began in 1999.
5. The plan should oppose a bay bridge crossing from Calvert County. Because Calvert only has one main highway, bridge traffic would have a huge impact on quality of life.
6. The Plan should restore the water quality standards for fresh and salt water and should restore level of service standards for roads that are contained in the current Plan.
The Planning Commission has scheduled its public hearing for Tuesday, February 26, 2019 at 7 p.m. at the Calvert Pines Senior Center in Prince Frederick.
After the public hearing, the Planning Commission will adopt the Plan and forward it to the County Commissioners. The Commissioners may make changes to the Plan and will hold a separate public hearing before adopting it.
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